How to run facebook ads for electricians. Hey, if you’re wanting to know how to run facebook ads for electricians, or maybe you’ve tried running Facebook ads and they kind of didn’t work for you. This video is for you. I’m going to show you how to run Facebook ads for electricians.
But they’ve got about sort of five trucks and maybe about 10 stuff. So they’re kind of growing and they are based up in Queensland and they gave me this account and said they’d been with another agency and they’d been running Facebook ads and ads had, that had sort of some results, but not really tangible results. So. I said, look, let me have a look at your account. I’m going to do a deep dive into it and I’m going to find out what the problem is and really, you know, address this for you.
So the first thing I did was I went to the meta ads library and I had a look at the ads that were running and I immediately saw what the problem was. So the problem was the ad was a catch alls. It was. is. Hey, we do electrical services and we service all of Brisbane, you know, please contact a few if you’ve got, you know, projects you’d like to do. So it was really, really generic. It sort of was just like a laundry list of all the service they offer and it didn’t really have anything specific in terms of the offer.
So the first thing I said was like, look, we’re going to have to trash this. I have a very specific testing process that I follow when it comes to Facebook ads because if you don’t have a process to follow, it’s very, very easy to waste a lot of money and not get the best out of your ads.
So Facebook ads definitely work the best when you have a very specific offer. And not only that, I always like to test about at least three offers against each other.
So what the- that means is basically, if you’re not getting a lot of clicks on your solar panels or far, then you’re not actually paying for that either. You know, that meter is actually going to push that budget into the ads that perform the best. So let’s say you’ve got a campaign and that campaign is for EV charges and that’s getting a lot more clicks and a lot more conversions. Meta is going to push more of the, budget into the EV charger campaign. So really it comes down to just having a number of offers, testing them out, and really being clever in the way you word your offer and- and what we’re talking about.
Now the other thing I want to mention about this particular client as well, one of the things they said to me when we sat down was, we are not going to be the cheapest in our area or even in our city. You know, our focus is providing a really, really high quality service and our customers understand that- you know, you get what you pay for. So we do not want to, you know, they made it really clear that I don’t want a heavily discount. I said that’s absolutely fine. So we do not want to, you know, they made it really clear that I don’t want a heavily discount. I said that’s absolutely fine.
We’re just going to have to make sure that we really know that and copy and I really know that creative and make sure that it resonates with people because, you know, the thing is, if you want to look- if you, you know, if you want to run a meta ads campaign and you want to just get a whole lot of sales, or you want, you know, you can set up a really successful campaign if you’re doing like 50% of everything and you’re giving things away really cheap.
Like, I see so many ads that have just got like a basic, tile and then they’ve got, you know, chat GPT a bit of your copy and I just- kind of look at it and go, I wouldn’t click on that, you know.So, the copies where we’re going to really connect with your audience and connect with them on that emotional level where they’re ready to buy.
And that’s really what marketing is. It’s connecting with your audience and presenting the right offer the right time. the other thing I do want to say is with meta ads.
So this has only been- Thank you very morning for a month, by the way, guys. like with meta ads, as time goes on, we build layers into this campaign. And I think when you get to the point where you’ve got cold, a- a cold targeting layer, a sort of mid-warm the warm cup tight.
And I think when you get to the point where you’ve got cold, a- a cold targeting layer, a sort of mid-warm the warm layer right.
And then a layer and a really hot targeting layer, that’s when your ads start to really work amazing for you.
The other thing I want to say is this client is actually on, a package where they get organic social media. So they’re getting real- channels content created for them. basically we get the team when they’re out on site and they’re doing jobs, they’re doing solar installs, whatever they’re doing.
We get the boys to film- film on their phone and they send it to us and we actually edit that. We put the captions in, we tell a story with it. We add some music, we make it really nice for them and that’s the kind of easiest way to do the social media. We put the captions in, we tell a story with it. We add some music, we make it really nice for them and that’s the kind of easiest way to do the social media.
Otherwise, it’s going to require a videographer to go out on site and that can sort of get really expensive, depending on your budget. but so obviously you can see there’s a lot of people coming in from organic, which is working really well for them.
And then the paid ads, we’ve got two of those converted so far. And once again, this is only after a month. So, you know, as you, when you think about a Facebook account- As, as I said, there is a lot of people who are fairly cold and this is a brand new campaign. So, you know, realistically, you could expect after running for a month, you could expect sort of a few sales to happen.
Absolutely. But depending on the ticket price of what you’re offering, it could take three months. Like, I’ll give you an example. I’ve worked with a builder and after three months, he closed a deal for 138k. Now, a lot, as your ticket price increases, the sales cycle is going to increase also.
So, if you’re selling, like, a split system in store, and it’s, I don’t know, $1,000 or whatever, people are more likely to say yes to that straight away, but yes. And as we get into the tens of thousands or higher, it’s going to slow down as well, so please be aware of that.
But running Facebook ads for electricians, absolutely, you should be seeing activity in the first month. You should be having leads coming through. You should be using this board effectively. So, one thing I like to train people on is, here’s your intake. So, these are our leads are coming in, right?
So, one thing I like to train people on is, here’s your intake. So, these are our leads are coming in, right? all these ones that say pay to pay. And then once you’ve spoken to that person, we’re going to actually drag them across here. in progress means we’re in discussion. You’ve spoken to them. You know, we’re managing that lead effectively qualified. So, you know, because, so, how I’ve trained these guys to do it is qualified is booked.
In progress means we’re in discussion. You’ve spoken to them. You know, we’re managing that lead effectively qualified. So, you know, because, so, how I’ve trained these guys to do it is qualified is booked.
So that means, Thanks. I’ve spoken to them, booked an appointment to go out and do the job. Declined court is obviously, like, gave them a quote they said, no, which is going to happen sometimes, but I’d be concerned if this was very large this column, but it’s not.
And converted is paid. They’ve converted into clients, which is really, really good. So meta ads, yeah, meta ads can work really well here literally.
I would absolutely do service. Like, general electrical, that kind of stuff. I would do that on Google ads and I would do specific offers on meta ads, like split systems and EV charges and things like that.I hope that’s really helpful for you to have a look at. If you’ve had a go at this, have another go.
So running Facebook ads for Electricians, It definitely works. It just takes the right strategy, bidding and offer.
Alpha Omega Digital is a marketing agency based in Melbourne, Australia but also services clients from Sydney, Brisbane, Newcastle, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and Hobart. Have a project in mind? Contact me here.